Monday, August 24, 2009

The most controversial set in Yu-Gi-Oh history - Crimson Crisis

Crimson Crisis, the third set to feature cards on the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's series, endured intensive corporate lawsuits and extensive delays before it was available to the public on approximately March 10, 2009. The set was the first to introduce /BUSTER or /Assault Mode concepts for the Synchro Monsters and also introduced one of the most strongest archetype to ever exist-The dreaded Blackwings.

Like before, I will be discussing the highlights of this set: its top 3 cards and my opinions regarding the set in general.

Top 3 cards

3: Gladiator Beast Samnite (R)

With the restriction of Gladiator Beast Bestiari, the Gladiator Beast archetype was bound for doom because that significally slowed down the deck. With Gladiator Beast Samnite introduced, this gave the Gladiator Beasts a burst of speed with the help of Rescue Cat. Technically, you could Special Summon two copies of this card with the Effect of Rescue Cat and attack to 'tag' for 2 different Gladiator Beasts, usually Gladiator Beast Bestiari and Gladiator Beast Darius, assuming Gladiator Beast Laquari is in your Graveyard for a quick Fusion. This card and Test Tiger is also another option for Special Summoning with Rescue Cat's Effect. Lastly, this card's own Effect isn't half bad, too.

2: Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (R)

More information about this critter can be found by clicking here. The very fuel that runs the now-critical condition Blackwings deck. The fact that he was put to Limited status deserves him the spot on this list. Nuff' said.

And the best card is obviously without a doubt...

1: Dark Strike Fighter (SR)

This card that shoudn't have been made. Part of the now-deceased Synchro Cat archetype, this card made games end too early by Synchroing for two with the help of Summoner Monk and Rescue Cat to OTK fairly quickly, usually in two to three turns. This card is also one of the easy win condition of other decks such as the Blackwings. This card is officialy dead come September 1.

Honorable Mention:

Black Salvo

I was having difficulty choosing over this card and Twilight Rose Knight, but after observing more Salvo-DADs roaming around the tournament scenes than Plants, I choose the former. He makes Synchro Summoning easier while at the same time, help fuel Dark Armed Dragon for the win.

Verdict: With a crapton of Ultra Rares and a rather useless /Assault Mode feature, this set's castoffs are compensated by the overpowered cards on this set's lineup. This set was brutally mangled by the September 1 list as well. Lastly, the Ghost Rare is totally bad, too. The only saving grace for this set is its amazing Synchro Monsters lineup with Arcanite Magician, Blackwing Armor Master and Dark Strike Fighter. Nevertheless, this set is still essential to form those tournament caliber decks. Avoid this set and if you can and just try to get those single cards from e-bay. If you are still interested, don't hesistate to contact me for pricing and availability if you are interested to purchase a Booster Box or two.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I can say that there's nothing inspiring about Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie, unless you count the way it compels kids to continue to support the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise.
