Thursday, September 17, 2009

Majestic Star Dragon

"Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon" + 1 non-Tuner monster
When your opponent activates the effect of a Spell, Trap or Effect Monster, you can Tribute this card to negate it, and destroy all cards your opponent controls. Once per turn, negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. That monster's effect(s) can be treated as this card's effect and can be activated once. Return this card to the Extra Deck during the End Phase, and Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Graveyard.

There are a lot of interesting cards that have devastating effects but usually, there are steep costs in summoning such monsters. Majestic Star Dragon is definitely one of them. This card needs a Stardust Dragon, a level one non-tuner monster and Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon to pull off. Obviously, the easiest way to summon this card is by using Treeborn Frog as the level one monster requirement. You also need a Stardust Dragon in play and have Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon in hand.

If this card is used as Synchro Material Monster, it can only be for the Synchro Summon of a "Savior" monster.

This is where the problem arises. Those Salvation Dragons would naturally end up as dead draws in the early stages of a duel, or any time where you do not have Stardust Dragon in play or Treeborn Frog is still in your deck, much worse if it was removed from play. This makes Majestic Star Dragon a poor choice in Extra Decks and is only used in casual duels. No one in a right mind would run this card in a competitive deck. It is such a waste of an awesome card design.

With Absolute Powerforce being announced and released this coming November in Japan, one card has caught my attention-Harmony's Treasure. The card basically needs a 1000 ATK Dragon type Tuner as fodder to draw 2 cards. This is where the fun begins. Those dead draw Salvation Dragons are now recycable via this spell card. Conveniently, Debris Dragon, also an easy method to summon Stardust Dragon or Red Demon Archfiend, is also a target. This might enable people to run The Salvation Synchros in competitive decks.

The only thing left to deal with is its consistency. Grab your copy of Majestic Star Dragon today before prices would skyrocket once the set gets released.


  1. Eventually the price of this thing definately would not get sky rocketed. Why??? Yusei pack 2 is coming out and he is in it.

  2. Apparently only Salvation Dragon is officially getting in DP2: Yusei Fudo. This is not the case for Majestic Star Dragon, for now.

  3. it won't increase in price. no one would build a competitive deck with it can use Kinkabyo btw, to summon salvation dragon from grave

  4. does majestic still return to the extra deck if its in the grave?

  5. majestic star dragon is cool but hard to summon

  6. It is not that hard to summon it, damn it. Just use cards to discard Stardust Xialong faster and when you synchro StarDust Dragon, you automatically summon Stardust Xialong. You only need one more card to summon Majestic Star Dragon after that. Stardust Xialong special ability will allow it to stay on the field much longer and then your next turn, summon Majestic Dragon and you are set to summon Majestic Star Dragon. It is a perfect way to finish off opponent off.

  7. I agree with Kelvin because I had a Duel with my competitive yusei deck someone who ran an Earthbound/TELEdad deck and in the duel i was able to pull off summoning Majestic Star Dragon 4 times in one duel eventually finishing him off with it. Mind you I only had a copy of each necessary cards except for stardust dragon at that time i had 2 in my extra deck.

  8. With the intense tier 1 decks today, you will get creamed even before you get xiaolong out.
