Saturday, September 5, 2009

09-05-2009 - Visit at the local community

Me, along with my brother actually went to our local community and traded/bought lots of cards today. After hours and hours of searching for certain cards, we were able to wrap up with buying most of the cards needed to build my brother's deck. I was surprised that most of our locals carry on their binders most of the cards that are widely used today.

There was a local tournament ongoing, and as I passed by the players who are competing, I was constantly seeing Zombie variants and Anti-Meta decks. I was confused on why there weren't much Gladiator Beasts, Lightsworns, although Blackwings were also common.

It might be possible next week for me to join the local tournaments, provided I am able to acquire certain cards I still need. Getting a Dandylion is difficult, along with Ally of Justice - Catasor and Mist Wurm. Although I can set up a temporary level 5 Synchro to replace Catastor like Magical Andrioids, it just wouldn't be the same. I still don't know the effects of running the Extra Deck with no level 9 Synchro.

I did not know that scanning through tens of binders were mind tiring and hectic. Despite these experiences. I really had fun. Total spending for today was at around PhP2500 (US$51). It was a good haul. My brother was happy that he finally got his Ancient Fairy Dragon at last. Needless to say, he is a Luca fan.

I was able to take some pictures, and promise to post it on my next post just to show the world our community exists. I asked a new friend met today on what are the reasons why the locals were using tier 2 decks and Lightsworn was non-existent. He said the reason was it was difficult to find certain cards to be able to actually run the decks. Gladiator Beasts share similar problems as well.

In case you're curious, Some of the cards we bought were:
Red Dragon Archfiend - The guy whom we bought this from really cares for his cards
Ancient Fairy Dragon (UtR) - Same for this guy too
Goyo Guardian (UtR)
Cyber Dragon (GS01-JP007)
Magical Android
Psychic Lifetrancer
Iron-Chain Dragon x2

...and other cards that are needed to create J&D. Yes, we chose to run J&D and show its potential on the locals. A little more and I would be able to experience true duels on organized play, despite me using my brother's deck.

Also, tomorrow will mark my first month anniversary of existence in the web. I will post pictures of my journey for everyone to see. Stay tuned.

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