Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Synchro from a Synchro

With the advent of the September 09' list. Synchro cat has lost most, if not all its speed and consistency. While certain combos like "Summoner Monk" and "Rescue Cat" are still possible and used up until today, it is not what it was supposed to be back last format where all you needed was three cards to win a duel.

A card that has caught my attention in the deck type is "De-Synchro". Basically this allows for 'separating' the Synchro Monster that is in play for its ingredients. At a first glance, the card is useless like its ugly brother "De-Fusion". But with the dynamics of Synchro-ing, the card's true potential is yet to be seen.

In Synchro Cat, this card could be used to split your "Arcanite Magician" with used up Spell Counters and Specifically Synchro again for a fresh one with 2 new Spell Counters, resulting in an easy +1. You could also gain more advantage if you used "X-Saber Airbellum", as you can attack prior, possibly discarding another card in your opponent's hand.

But that's just one of the other plays you can pull off with this card-This card can also convert that "Colossal Fighter" to a "Dark End Dragon" and quickly send a Monster from your opponent's side of of the field to the graveyard. That "Blackwing Armor Master" can easily transform to a "Black Rose Dragon" for a convenient way to wipe the field. That "Goyo Guardian" having problem with "Dark Armed Dragon" or "Judgment Dragon" can transform to a "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" and delay the imminent threats to possibly swing for game!

The Extra Deck is a toolbox which every deck can utilize. With this card, that toolbox becomes readily accessible no matter the circumstance. Just don't forget that you need the Synchro Monster itself and its ingredients in the graveyard for this to work.

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