Friday, December 18, 2009

Format Synchro... and something more

Yes, the title of the post is not reversed.

Ever imagined what would happen when both the TCG and the OCG's cardpools combine to together to form an unholy alliance? A format where "Naturia" Monsters duke it out against Blackwings that utilize "Swallow's Nest"? Maybe "Fiend Roar Deity"s against complete "Koa'ki Meiru"s?

That's how the format here in our country works.

But wait, what about "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier"? A conflict in both card games is that the card is Limited in the OCG but unlimited in the TCG?

The roots of the game are followed and Brionac stays at 1 as the principle region our meta is loosely based on is the OCG.

Pretty convenient huh?

With pretty virtually much all the playable cards printed out by Konami, whether for the East or West is usable in this format.

In the other news...

One more day for the well-awaited December Monthly in our country. Sad that I cannot participate in it due to me and my non "Yu-Gi-Oh!" friends planning to enjoy the best and most important Massively Multiplayer game entitled "Outside".

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